- flatbread
- лепешка
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
flatbread — [flat′bred΄] n. bread made in thin, circular pieces or sheets, often unleavened, as pita or matzo … English World dictionary
Flatbread — A flatbread is a simple bread made from flattened dough. Many flatbreads are unleavened mdash;made without yeast or sourdough culture. They can range from one millimeter to a few centimeters thick.Flatbread was already known in Ancient Egypt and… … Wikipedia
flatbread — /flat bred /, n. 1. Also, flatbrod /flat brohd/. a thin, waferlike bread, usually rye, baked esp. in Scandinavian countries. 2. Also, flat bread. any of various often unleavened breads baked in round, flat loaves or cakes, as those eaten in India … Universalium
flatbread — noun a) crispbread b) any of various kinds of unleavened bread … Wiktionary
flatbread — n. any of several breads made from unleavened dough and baked in round flat loaves … English contemporary dictionary
flatbread — noun N. Amer. flat, thin, often unleavened bread … English new terms dictionary
flatbread — flat•bread [[t]ˈflætˌbrɛd[/t]] n. cvb coo Also, flat′ bread . any of various often unleavened breads baked in round, flat cakes • Etymology: 1875–80; perh. orig. trans. of Norw flatbröd … From formal English to slang
flatbread — /ˈflætbrɛd/ (say flatbred) noun any of various unleavened breads, baked in thin sheets …
flatbread — лепешка … English-Russian travelling dictionary
flatbread — noun any of various breads made from usually unleavened dough • Hypernyms: ↑bread, ↑breadstuff, ↑staff of life • Hyponyms: ↑flatbrod, ↑bannock, ↑chapatti, ↑chapati, ↑pita, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Bing (Chinese flatbread) — Bing is a Chinese term used to describe dough based Chinese flatbreads, pancakes, unleavened dough foods, or indeed any food item with a flat disk like shape. Many of them are similar to the Indian roti, French crepes, or Mexican tortilla, while… … Wikipedia